NEW! IMPROVED! 75% MORE AT THE SAME PRICE! We have all seen those claims on everything from laundry detergent to breakfast cereal. Very often they are unsubstantiated. Starting today, however, we are aiming to make those claims a reality at Mrs. Sew-n-Sew's Quilt Shop and on the http://www.mrs-sewnsew.com/ website as well. More fabric, more kits, more user friendly access. With a fine tutor, I am hoping to find my way around the World Wide Web of Quilting.
If you haven't been in for awhile, you need to come by and see the new layout and the newly painted walls. The bright yellow just makes the quilts "pop." I have also been cleaning out 9 years accumulation of scraps, unfinished projects and the like. I am striving for a less cluttered environment--not an easy thing for a quilter. We are using our AccuQuilt cutting system to make kits and I am designing new ones that will feature the precut pieces. Keep checking back to find out what is going on!
In Stitches,
Mrs. Sew~n~Sew's
Mrs. Sew~n~Sew's
cute site, Mom! Love you!
This is looks Great Nona!
Great picture of you.
See you soon....
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