Last week was a Quilting Revelation for me. Gary and I traveled to southern Oregon so that I could take two classes from Karen McTavish. Friday, I excitedly joined 5 other women in a lovely quilting studio and learned the secrets of making Victorian Feathers (tall and skinny, tall and skinny!) After an evening strolling through a chilly Ashland to view the "First Friday" art exhibits (including aerial silk dancers at the Black Sheep Pub!) I arose on Saturday morning eager to join in the McTavishing class. It was eye opening for me to get to talk with women wh
o approach "quilting" from the long arm artists point of view, rather from a quilt shop owner/piecing teacher point of view. The short cut lessons and "hands on" instruction are immeasurably better than reading about how to do a technique. Being certified to teach these techniques is an added bonus. Of course, I am practicing up a bit before I offer any classes.
Don't forget that Tuesday, January 18 I will make Step 2 of the mystery quilt available. Just stop by to pick up your copy. The first Valley Piecemaker's Quilt Show planning meeting will be 2 PM on January 20, here at Mrs. Sew-n-Sew's Quilt Shop. All club members are welcome to take part in the meeting. We encourage everyone to volunteer for some aspect of the quilt show and make it the best one ever--and that would be an accomplishment, since they have been great shows. Theresa Plank and I are the co-chairs this year, and since we both have businesses to run, we need all the help we can get!
Wanda finshed piecing my "Critters in the Corner" quilt while I was gone last week. It is pretty cute! Don't have time to quilt it just yet, but hope to get it done before the January 22 class. Let me know if you want to take the class. It is a quick, easy, beginner level quilt.
The "Pie in the Sky" class from Kim Diehl's latest book is scheduled for February 5. Lunch is going to be soup and pie, so plan on a full day. I need to know soon so that I can order books, if you are planning to attend. Remember, you can use fabric from your stash to create this scrappy quilt. February 6, Super BOLT Sunday, we open at 10 AM for our big sale. Mark your calendars.
Stay warm and dry, set aside time to quilt!
In Stitches,
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